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Amazon Book Sales Calculator for KDP
Amazon Book Sales Calculator for KDP

You have just sold your first book on Amazon and now you think it will be easy to top Amazon's bestseller chart in no time with your masterpiece. Well, sadly my friend, Amazon's best-seller chart doesn't work that way.

You'll need the knowledge to understand how many copies you should sell on Amazon to top its list. For that, the Kindle sales calculator or Amazon calculator is a huge help. In this guide, we'll learn how to use the Amazon sales rank calculator easily.

Amazon Sales Rank Calculator also known as the Kindle rank calculator or KDP sales calculator is an important calculator that estimates the number of books sold daily based on Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR). Even though it's pretty easy to use the Amazon rank calculator, you just have to find Amazon's best seller rank (ABSR) of a book, then choose a format like paperback or ebook, and in the end, select which market. By just entering these, you can calculate best-seller ranking details.

So where's the problem? The problem is that most of us don't know how to find the data to input into the calculator. Which is what we are going to learn using these simple steps:

Steps on How Amazon Book Sales Calculator for KDP

Let's use a bestseller book from Amazon and learn the steps easily:

Amazon Book Sales Calculator for KDP

Step# 1: Choose a Bestseller book

  • The first thing you need to do is select the book from Amazon that you want to find the ranking of.
  • You can simply use the BestSeller filter on the Amazon page to select a book.

Step# 2: Find out the number of Kindle or print copies sold

  • Now simply scroll down to find the Product Details section in which you need to look for the title Amazon Best Sellers Rank.
  • From the above screen shot you can see that the listed book is ranked #299 in Kindle Store.
  • Just remember that it says in Kindle Store here which means that the ranking is for the Kindle Edition format.
  • For the paperback version, the ranking will be different.

Step# 3: Find Amazon Sales Calculator or Kindle Sales Rank Calculator on the Internet


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  • There are many Amazon sales calculators on the internet, you can choose any of them.
  • For this example, we are using the Kindlepreneur calculator.

Step# 4: Select the Book Format and Targeted marketplace

  1. You can select the format in which the book’s being sold, all the available formats are shown in the Book Type of the calculator.
  2. Make sure to select either the paperback/hardcover or Kindle format (Ebook).
  3. For the marketplace, you can select the targeted marketplace in which the books are being sold.

Step#5: Enter the ranking

  1. Now simply enter the ranking you found from Amazon’s page and enter in the calculator like in this case, it’s 299.
  2. The calculator will show you the number of books being sold per day.
  3. Like here, 334 books are sold per day to reach the best seller ranking of 299 in Kindle Store.

What is the Amazon Book Best Seller Rank?

The best seller rank given by Amazon or ABSR in short is based on Amazon's comparison between the highest-selling book and the lowest-selling book for every book sold on Amazon, no matter the format it's in. Each format like paperback, or Kindle edition has its own sales and the ranking is also based on that.

The ranking keeps changing hourly but can take up to 24-48 hours and unless the book keeps sustainable sales, the #1 bestseller book today might be different tomorrow. Therefore the Amazon sales estimator that you use to estimate sales should be updated hourly or every day so that it can give you an accurate result.

What Affects the Amazon Best Seller Rank?

There are many factors that influence a book’s BSR, and understanding these can help you improve your ranking:

1. Number of Sales and Kindle Unlimited Program

  • While running ads and promotions can enhance your BSR, getting consistent sales is important to maintain a higher rank.
  • If your book is enrolled in KDP Select then all the readers using the Kindle Unlimited program can download your book for free. 
  • Don’t worry though, all the downloads will be considered sales for your book.
  • Books available in the Kindle Unlimited program have better sales because readers would rather download them for free than purchase the book.

2. Performance based on Genre

  • Your rank also depends on how other books in your category perform.
  • If your book is listed in a popular genre like romance or fantasy your book sales will be affected by the demand of your book genre.

3. Previous Sales Data

  • Consistent sales over time positively impact the rank.
  • To keep dominating the charts, your overall sales data is very important.

4. Promotions and Ads

  • Running campaigns or discounts can spike sales and temporarily boost rankings.
  • It's very important to market your book using ads and promotions so people keep buying them.
  • You can either do it yourself but it's a time taking process and needs expert skills or you can hire a professional company like Ace Book Writers to maintain your top ranking.

5. Kindle Unlimited Reads

6. Pricing of book

  • Setting a competitive price for your book can drive more sales, improving your overall ranking.

7. Total clicks on your sales page

  • There is an ABSR range from 500k-9M where no sales are incurred for a long time and if a reader clicks on that book page, your ABSR will improve.
  • But it will only affect your ranking, not your sales.

Why is the BSR important for new sellers?

For new Amazon sellers, the Book Sales Rank, or BSR, is a useful tool. 

  • It offers a ranking of a book's sales performance in real-time inside its particular category. 
  • New sellers can learn a lot about consumer preferences and market dynamics by keeping an eye on BSR trends. 
  • For instance, new sellers might adjust their book descriptions and keywords to reflect current trends by spotting an increasing rise in sales within a specific genre, like romance. 
  • This strategy has the potential to greatly raise sales and visibility.
  • Also, by monitoring BSR, new sellers can make data-driven decisions to boost their overall sales performance and assess the success of their marketing strategies.
  • So it's important to keep a check on best-seller ranking using amazon kdp calculator.

How Does the Book Sales Calculator Works?

Here's a simplified breakdown:

BSR Ranges

Calculators typically divide BSR into ranges (e.g., 1–100, 101–1,000, etc.).

Daily Sales Estimate

The tool uses historical data from similar-ranked books to predict daily or monthly sales.

Regular Updates

As the Amazon algorithm adjusts frequently based on customer needs, you have to constantly monitor trends for better decision-making.

How to Use Amazon Sales Rank Data to Improve Your Sales

Here are a few ways to increase your sales rank data for more sales:

1. Identify Trends

Identify high-performing categories in your niche only and tweak your content strategy to align with the growing demand.

2. Optimize Keywords

Use existing data to enhance your book's metadata, including title, description, and keywords for added traffic on Google SERPs.

3. Adjust Pricing

You can try and test various pricing strategies and find the sweet spot that works for you. 

4. Invest in Marketing

Use shoutouts, social media promotions, ads, and email campaigns for regular sales.

5. Improve Reviews

Ask and encourage your buyers to leave reviews because it can greatly impact sales and rankings

What is Kindle publishing income?

Kindle Direct Publishing Income represents the earnings authors generate by selling books through Amazon Publishing.

1. Direct Sales

Earning from the sale of eBooks, paperbacks, and hardcovers.

2. Royalties

Amazon pays royalties ranging from 35% to 70%, depending on the book's pricing, book format, and distribution settings.

3. Kindle Unlimited Reads

Authors enrolled in KDP Select earn a share of the global KDP Select Fund based on the number of pages read by Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

Is Kindle Publishing Income Legit?

Yes, kindle publishing income is legit! The platform of Amazon is responsible for selling over 487 million ebooks through Kindle every year. Many authors have successfully built sustainable income streams through Amazon book publishing company. However, achieving consistent income requires dedication, research, and marketing efforts. To save your time for writing your next book, you can always leave all the marketing and promotional efforts to expert book marketers like Ace Book Writers.

How to make passive income on Kindle

Building passive income through KDP publishing is a dream for many authors. Here’s how you can achieve it:

1. Write Evergreen Content

Focus on topics or genres that remain relevant over time, such as self-help, cookbooks, or fantasy novels.

2. Use KDP Select

Enroll in KDP Select to maximize exposure through Kindle Unlimited and exclusive promotions.

3. Optimize for SEO

Use Amazon’s search engine to your advantage by including high-ranking keywords in your book title and description.

4. Write a Series

Writing a series encourages readers to purchase multiple books, boosting long-term sales.

5. Invest in Quality

High-quality writing, editing, and design can lead to better reviews and more sales.

6. Market Consistently

Use social media, email lists, and ads to keep your books visible to your audience. By applying these strategies, you can create a steady stream of income from your published works.

Final thoughts

The Amazon book sales calculator is a very useful tool for all the authors using the Amazon Publishing platform for Self-publishing their books. It doesn't matter if you are new to this platform or a seasoned user, all authors should gain sales insights using it. And if you are wondering, is kindle publishing income legit, you can rest assured that it is. 

So start monitoring Best seller ranking using Amazon calculator or hire a professional company like Ace Book Writers to help you top Amazon's book sales chart and become New York's #1 Bestseller!

Frequently Asked Questions
Can you share Kindle Unlimited?

Kindle Unlimited subscriptions are actually tied to individual accounts and cannot be shared. However, multiple accounts can access it within the same household if logged into different devices.

How to sell books on Amazon?

To sell books on Amazon, sign up for Kindle Direct Publishing, upload your manuscript, and set pricing. Optimize your book listing with compelling descriptions and keywords for better visibility.

How many books are sold on Amazon?

Amazon sells millions of books daily, spanning physical copies, eBooks, and audiobooks. It is the largest online bookseller globally.

How much money does Amazon make a day?

Amazon generates billions in daily revenue across its platforms, with books being a significant contributor to its sales ecosystem.

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